Dear seniors and families,
I appreciate your patience as we worked through some of the adjustments to our graduation schedule in light of the virus. I have received confirmation from the archdiocese about an alternative graduation date, which then allows us to work backwards on some of the senior events.
Here they are:
Graduation--Wednesday, June 24, 2020, likely at 7 p.m.
Plan A--would be to have a traditional graduation in our gym. Let's hope for Plan A. That's why we've pushed it to June 24.
Plan B--we would host a graduation making use of our back parking lot, cars. etc. I spoke about some of this at the senior parent zoom meeting this week . More details to come if it looks like plan B in early June! I'll talk some more with seniors, too.
Baccalaureate Mass--Date and time to be decided, but proximate to June 24.
"Awards" Ceremony-- May 14, 2020: We'll do this virtually, likely in two parts: A general awards ceremony that applies to all students, and a senior awards ceremony that focuses on seniors. This is when we'll announce Ideal Grad, Leader of Year, Valedictorian and Salutatorian, etc.
"Senior Drive" (formerly "Senior Walk), Tuesday, May 5 @ 3 p.m. --This is the last official day of "class" for seniors. Instead of one last walk around the halls as students of St. Michael, seniors would have one last drive around campus. The rules and details of this will be sent to families next week. Unfortunately, underclassmen will not be allowed to attend per state regulations.
Pick up, Caps and Gowns Wednesday, April 29, from 2-3 p.m. We'll downplay this a bit, so as to not diminish "Senior Drive"" on May 5.
Regarding Prom, I'll be talking to seniors to see if they have interest in doing a kind of "Last Dance" Prom in the school around August 1 as a "send off" before they go to school. I'd like to talk with the seniors about that before putting a date on the calendar.
Now that we know these dates, let's make them memorable! As one parent said on Wednesday night, these ceremonies may be something our students talk about when they're grandparents one day!
Mr. Weber